Vermont Computer Forensics

The estimated population of Vermont is over 621,300 with a workforce of approximately 353,900 . Vermont is 49th largest state in terms of population. The need for Vermont computer forensics professionals continues to grow in the state, especially in Burlington and Montpelier.

Vermont Computer ForensicsOne of Vermont’s major industries is electronics, which helps explain why this state has had an increasing need for computer forensic professionals. As with the rest of the country, the demand in Vermont continues for the computer forensics field due to the constant growth of the use of electronic devices, including advanced computer technology.

Vermont Computer Forensics Schools & Degrees

Both campus-based and online computer forensics degree programs are available in Vermont. Many individuals prefer a traditional setting. However, don’t rule out online schools. Online schools offer computer forensics degree programs that are respected, accredited, and extremely convenient. You can earn a degree from the comfort of your home in your spare time.

Featured Schools:

Purdue GlobalBachelor of Science in Cybersecurity
SNHUBS Cybersecurity
Grand Canyon UniversityB.S. in Cybersecurity
Arizona State UniversityGlobal Security (Cybersecurity), MA
As this career field continues to grow and evolve, more and more campus-based colleges and universities will develop computer forensics degree programs. Even when that day arrives, online schools should continue to be strongly considered.

Vermont currently has two locations for these highly-specialized degrees. Champlain College, located in Burlington, offers a Computer and Digital Forensics Program. Also, Norwich University, located in Northfield, offers a Computer Crime and Forensics Minor.

Computer Forensics Rules, Regulations, & Certification in Vermont

When it comes to standard operating procedure in computer forensics, every state has its own laws and procedures. Currently, Vermont is operating with regards to the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure Amendments. There are no additional state laws or statutes on the books in Vermont concerning computer forensics or data recovery*.*

Vermont Computer Forensics Salaries

In Vermont, individuals in the computer forensics field make far greater money than the average pay across all professions in the state. According to the United States Department of Labor, Vermont has an average state salary of $36,350 across all professions*. Computer forensics professions in Vermont make almost double that figure at $65,000 a year**. Of course, as with any profession, the pay for computer forensics varies by the specific city you practice in. Traditionally, larger cities tend to pay better salaries than smaller, more rural areas**.

Specific breakdown of Computer Forensic Salaries in Vermont:

  • Median salary for a computer forensic examiner in the state of Vermont: $58,000-$65,000**
  • Median computer forensic salary in Burlington, Vermont: $54,000-61,000**
  • Median computer forensic salary in Montpelier, Vermont: $57,000-$63,000**


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